苏醒 (Xing Su),副教授 (Associate Professor),工学博士(Ph.D)
蒸汽渗透(Vapor Permeation)过程分离乙醇/水过程研究;蒸汽渗透/渗透汽化(Pervaporation)复合膜制备;反应-膜分离耦合过程研究;反应-膜传质耦合模型研究。
* 副教授,浙江省衢州学院,化学与材料工程学院 12.2023 – 至今
* 国家留学基金委资助访问学者,奥克兰大学(新西兰,QS全球大学排名68位),材料与化学工程系 12.2022– 12.2023
* 讲师,浙江省衢州学院,化学与材料工程学院 03. 2018 – 12.2022
* 产品研发主管,国安(上海)土壤修复科技有限公司 09. 2016 – 02.2018
Elsevier数据库《Separation and Purification Technology》期刊(中科院一区)审稿人
发表论文(按发表时间顺序) :
1. Xing Su, Ning Qiao, Bao-Chang Sun*. A route for the study on mass transfer enhancement by adding particles in liquid phase. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2022, 48, 158-165. (SCI, 影响因子: 3.898)
2. Xing Su*, Tucai Zheng, Youliang Zhu, Xiaohong Tao, Kuangli Yu, Zhiqing Zhao, Zhenghong Wu, Jiale Lu, Chuanhua Gao, Dian Zhao. Enhanced n-butanol permselective vapor permeation by incorporating ZIF-8 into a polydimethylsiloxane composite membrane: Effect of filler loading contents. Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2022, 648(12): e202200022. (SCI, 影响因子: 1.492)
3. Weiping Yang, Xing Su*, Tucai Zheng, Qingqiu Zhang, Jiacai Jiao, Lingbin Meng, Weihua Qing, Chi Zhai. Fabricating a ZIF-8@Polydimethylsiloxane(PDMS)/PVDF mixed matrix composite membrane for separation of ethanol from aqueous solution via vapor permeation, Zeitschrift fur Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie, 2022, 648(7): e202100379. (SCI, 影响因子: 1.492)
4. Chuanhua Gao, Xing Su, Nanping Wu, Changzhong Jin, A new mechanism of SAMHD1 inhibition of HIV-1 infection by induction of autophagy, Medical Hypotheses, 2022, 165: 110890. (SCI, 影响因子: 4.7)
5. Xing Su, Weidong Zhang*, Weihua Qing, Zhongqiang Xu, Hao Zhang. Modeling study of a pervaporation membrane reactor for improving oxime hydrolysis reaction. Journal of Membrane Science. 2016, 497: 410–420. (一区SCI, TOP, 影响因子: 8.742)
6. Weidong Zhang*(导师), Xing Su, Zisu Hao, Shaoli Qin, Weihua Qing, Chunjie Xia. A pervaporation membrane reactor for producing hydroxylamine chloride via oxime hydrolysis reaction. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2015, 54 (1), 100–107. (SCI, TOP, 影响因子: 3.720)
7. 苏醒,翟持*,基于Laplace-Borel 变换的过程周期性操作的分析,《化学反应工程与工艺》,2020, 36(6), 546–554(北大核心)
8. Yating Zhao*, Chengcheng Shi, Xing Su, Wujiong Xia, Synthesis of isoquinolones by visible-light-induced deaminative [4+2] annulation reactions, Chemical Communications, 2020, 56, 5259–5262 (SCI, TOP, 影响因子: 6.258)
9. Xing Su, Zhenghong Wu, Jiale Lu, Sitian Qian, Liang Lv*, Study on PDMS–Silicalite–1/PTFE composite membrane for enhanced hydrolysis reaction of oxime, The 10th congress on membranes and membrane processes (CCOM2019), Beijing: 2019
10. Xing Su, Weidong Zhang*. Modeling study of a pervaporation reactor involved competitive permeation. The 10th international congress on membranes and membrane processes, Su Zhou: 2014
1 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LZY21B060001),“PVA-Silica杂化膜用于促进渗透汽化膜反应器(PVMR)性能及其连续流模型研究”,2021年,主持。
2 浙江省衢州市科技项目(2018k29),“渗透汽化膜在线脱水促进酯化反应合成尼伯金酯过程研究”,2018 年,主持,已结题。
1 乙酰苯胺废水的膜-吸附耦合处理工艺,浙江海昇药业股份有限公司,2022年,主持。
2 六甲基二硅胺烷的连续分离精制技术开发,浙江胡涂硅有限公司,2022 年,主持。
联系方式: suxmembr@163.com